Every knows that I despise a particular large discount store. The one with the blue lettering. Why? I've gone into it in previous posts, but what it boils down to is that time has value. What difference does it make if you save a few dollars but waste 3 hours of your time in line? That's time I could spend with family, friends or doing things that I enjoy.
I went there to get more Christmas lights for outside. I get to the store and go in through lawn and garden in a desperate attempt to only stay in one area of the store. Then Kev calls and I have to look for Cinnamon Mini Wheats. Off into the great beyond. I step over piles of piles, navigate around random carts in the middle of the aisle and abruptly stop several times to keep from running over small children. Get the cereal, then some kitty litter, oh, and some soy milk then finally to the lights. Oooo wait, wrapping paper too. Grrr... Damn you and your conveniently placed items!!!
Get the lights, then wait 45 minutes to check out. Drive home then I get ready to hang the outside lights while Kev is in rehearsal. I take the out of the box and and test them before wrap them around the post. Wrap them, plug them in AND...
Look closely. The one on the right. See it? That only HALF of the lights are lit!! ARGH!!! (see the kitties in the doorway?)
Now I head to another large discount retailer. This one with RED lettering. You know which one. I get new lights and spend slightly more. Take them home to replace the bad ones and in the process step on one of the bulbs and it shatters! AHHH!
But Wait! Plug it in and IT STILL WORKS! Even with the busted bulb! Buyah!!
K, now that's finished, how about something crafty? I made this one using the SCS sketch challenge for last week. The paper is from the Basic Grey Wassail packet and the snowflake punch is Martha. I really love how quickly this one came together. The doggie is from TCP's Deck the Hall set. SU! scallop punch and there you are! So cute!

Alright, off to work on reviews! Enjoy!
Oh goodness, I am laughing here. I feel the exact way about that stor with the blue letters. argh. Great cards, btw...your coloring is especially fantastic. :-) Have a Merry Christmas!
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