I realized I hadn't shown any Homemade Gourmet goodies in a while, so how about something that's sure to be a hit with your friends and family??? Homemade Gourmet debuted an Orange Cranberry Bread pudding this fall and I have been serving it at shows for the past few months. It's been a HUGE hit and I wanted to show you just how easy it is to prepare! (Everyone else will think you spent hours in the kitchen!) Just like those adds for Rice Krispy Treats where the lady throws some flour on her nose and walks out with a tray of Krispy Treats and everyone "thinks" she slaved away in the kitchen.... PLEASE as if! Everyone knows how to make Krispy treats and there isn't a bit of flour involved! I call Shenagins!
K, Back to the pudding...
When you open the bag, there are 2 other bags inside. One of Crasins and one for the glaze. It's pretty obvious which is which. Just in case, HINT: the Crasins are red. :)
Check the inside flap for the instructions and additional ingredients.
3 Cups of milk, 3 eggs, got it!
Then 1/2 of a 16oz loaf of French bread. You can use the other half for sandwiches or French toast, You already have eggs and milk, right?
Mmm... While that cools, melt a 1/2 stick of unsalted butter. (I melt mine in my Pyrex measuring cup. It doesn't get hot and has a handy handle...) Mix the butter with the glaze package and a 1/4 cup of either orange or cranberry juice. Or, if you're me, a tablespoon of orange juice and the rest Grand Marnier. Mmmm...liquor...